Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dream Reality

Jane!!! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Legal Graffiti from Here To Eternity


Poetfolio Part 1:  Dream Murals & Other Planes Of Existence In Galaxy Of Inner Space
Fifty shades of gray prison bars of poverty can’t contain my expanding imagination…

Can you help me with my homework? I have a dream for the city that never sleeps.

I have to create a tour book to draw tourists to The South Bronx of America.

I know its Mission: Impossible to put Americans on police line-ups. 

I know how to do it. We’ll start a revolution in social evolution

Give me what I want and nobody gets hurt

Jane!!! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Legal Graffiti from Here To Eternity

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

You are under arrested development

Poetfolio Part 1:  Dream Murals & Other Planes Of Existence In Galaxy Of Inner Space
Fifty shades of gray prison bars of poverty can’t contain my expanding imagination…

Can you help me with my homework? I have a dream for the city that never sleeps.

I have to create a tour book to draw tourists to The South Bronx of America.

I know its Mission: Impossible to put Americans on police line-ups. 

I know how to do it. We’ll start a revolution in social evolution

Give me what I want and nobody gets hurt

Jane!!! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Legal Graffiti from Here To Eternity


Earth Is home to bad tenants

50 shades of prison gray can't contain the colors of imagination

Poetfolio Part 1:  Dream Murals & Other Planes Of Existence In Galaxy Of Inner Space
Fifty shades of gray prison bars of poverty can’t contain my expanding imagination…

Can you help me with my homework? I have a dream for the city that never sleeps.

I have to create a tour book to draw tourists to The South Bronx of America.

I know its Mission: Impossible to put Americans on police line-ups. 

I know how to do it. We’ll start a revolution in social evolution

Give me what I want and nobody gets hurt

Jane!!! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Legal Graffiti from Here To Eternity


Monday, April 27, 2015

How To Put Americans On Police Line-ups Without Becoming Public Enemy # 1

I don’t need for you to feel sorry for me because I’m deaf.

You made me hear all the music in the world when we kissed for a month after we met in Paris by The Hudson. I can only draw the sound of the love I feel for you.

I love you enough to let you go to find happiness on Earth made Heaven by you.

I know you will find the man of your dreams.

That is my dream for you.

Dolce notte, ballerina


P.S: I’m on the next flight to Spain if you want to stop me.


Poetfolio Part 1

I died and went to Google Heaven

I don’t need for you to feel sorry for me because I’m deaf.

You made me hear all the music in the world when we kissed for a month after we met in Paris by The Hudson. I can only draw the sound of the love I feel for you.

I love you enough to let you go to find happiness on Earth made Heaven by you.

I know you will find the man of your dreams.

That is my dream for you.

Dolce notte, ballerina


P.S: I’m on the next flight to Spain if you want to stop me.


Poetfolio Part 1

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day Media Fire Fire!

On Earth Day, I am humbly thankful to your creative spirits gracing my Face Book.

Thank you all for allowing me to see the better angels in your eyes.

You are the aliens of what humans call childhood imagination

You enabled me to regain my memories and powers.

Who am I?



Murals For Dreams And Other Planes Of Existence In The Universe Of Inner Space

Midnight Summer Dream Of Love In The City Of Guns & Roses

What fools are these mortals, said Puck gleefully. What fun.

Jane!!! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Legal Graffiti from Here To Eternity


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Murals For Dreams And Other Planes Of Existence In The Universe Of Inner Space

Jane!!! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Legal Graffiti from Here To Eternity